- Keeping tyres inflated correctly
- Reducing braking
- Keeping my speed down
The crunch, though, is whether the risk of annoying every 4-wheel drive and bat-out-of-hell driver in the vicinity will get more miles out of my tank. Can I change my driving habits consistently enough to make a difference to the tiger in my tank? I am motivated more by curiosity and a growing concern for environmental issues than cost savings, but saving money is a welcome by-product.
I have to confess I started by forgetting to fill the car with petrol and therefore eking out the remainder of the tank to the local garage. But I found the driving experience unusually quietening. Speed restriction signs were welcome, and as I accelerated away more slowly than usual I reflected on how much money all the drivers behind me were saving. I’m not sure they saw it that way, but I believe everyone made it home without blowing too many fuses.
Next challenge: figuring out how those air pump things at garages work. Tomorrow, maybe …